Stream of Consciosuness #1
And it started right now ofesu i dont think wait im doing it ao i just decant let the intrusive thoughts win og fogf i pink elephant pink elem-njfos what tis appening i hate this assignment already what 200 minutes left how this is taking forver i just wan tto be done witbthis so i can go back to peogmramming what the hell i need to practivce my typing skills how are you supposed to do this without looking at your keyb oard wait my tabblemates just told me i could what am i doing alright uhhhhhhhhhh why do i have to form english words why can t i just type the letter e over and over again ngl this kinda boring alright nonly 36 seconds left finally this is over 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ez